All about life and experience.

 All about life and experience.

If the clay refuses to be smeared with the potter, can she take the shape of a beautiful pot? If the seed is not ready to mix itself, can it take the form of a huge tree? If a stone is not ready to bear the brunt of a chisel, hammer, etc., can it assume the form of a god? Similarly, to achieve any goal, something has to be lost in life. One who prepares himself to lose. He also attains the goal and he who is not ready to lose himself is not even close to the goal. Change is the law of life. And by this rule, the whole creation is going on. The transformation of a seed is a plant, the transformation of a plant is a tree. The change of soil is the utensils, toys, etc. in its different sizes, then the change of stone is the idols of various deities, etc. So one thing is clear, brother, before getting anything, we have to prepare ourselves to bear the pain of losing. If we can do this then we will be able to experience the joy of getting it. And if we want to be deprived of the pain of losing, then we will have to be deprived of the pleasure of gaining. Anyway, the taste of food is known only in fast appetite. In the same way, only after realizing the pain of losing, we can enjoy the received thing. Today's young generation only and only wants to get it, it is not lost in losing anything. 

Neither does she want to spend her time to achieve the goal, nor to accept the advice of experienced elders around her. She does not accept, nor does she want to gain experience through her own hard work. Think of it like the gadgets of 'Doraemon' and want instant results. So how can this be possible? Nature was against its law, neither in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future. Whether it is the younger generation or the adult generation, we have to walk according to the rules of nature. If we do not do this, then we will be a victim of depression, will go backward in life and our life will be filled with complaints. But we will not achieve anything. The sooner we understand the law of change, the sooner we will be able to move towards a happy and eternal life.

So let us prepare ourselves to be friendly with nature.


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