Dreams: The Divine Spark that Shapes Our World

 Dreams: The Divine Spark that Shapes Our World

Where do dreams come from?

How is it that dreams wear so many faces, each one different yet powerful enough to captivate and drive us? Some people see dreams and go mad with obsession, while others long to share the same vision, wishing for everyone around them to feel that magnetic pull. Some dreams ignite a fire so fierce within that the dreamer feels the need to burn down the norms, the rules, and the limits society has placed.

And then, there are the dreamers who are torn. Torn between the dreams they chase and the people they love. What should they choose? The dream that tugs them in one direction, or their loved ones, who ask them to stay grounded? The struggle is real—dreams pulling at their heart, and loved ones pulling at their soul.

Yet, in this tug of war, the beauty of dreams lies in one truth: the journey becomes much easier when the people you love stand by your side. In this union, dreams don’t fade—they grow bigger. They become not just your dreams, but a shared vision.

But the big question remains: Where do these dreams come from?

What does God intend by giving us dreams?

God whispers, "I created dreams to make humans divine. Dreams are the force that compels humanity to push beyond the impossible and achieve the unimaginable. I gave you dreams to show you the power within, the strength to defy limitations and leave a mark on this world."

Now that we know the purpose behind dreams, we must ask ourselves, *What do we want?* Fear should have no place in this journey. To fear is the greatest sin when it comes to chasing your dreams.

*Hold onto your dreams,*  

*Hold onto those who love you,*  

*And remember why you were given this divine spark.*

You’ve reached your limit—let them see the fire in your eyes. Let the world tremble at the power of your dreams. Leave behind doubt, leave behind those who hold you back, and embrace the dreams that push you forward.

Dreams, my friend, aren’t just a part of life—they are life. They shape the world. They create eras. And those who dare to follow their dreams become the creators of history.


**Final Thoughts:**  

Dreams are not fleeting fantasies. They are a divine gift meant to push us beyond the impossible. In dreams, we find purpose, strength, and the power to create. So, embrace your dreams wholeheartedly, for they are the flames that fuel your journey through life.

By Udit Bhardwaj 


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